Basic Reps and Sets for Weight Training and Physique Transformation

By Kerry O’Brien. E-mail:

Pick up the latest fitness magazine and you are guaranteed to find an article suggesting the best weight training repetition (reps) and set ranges to obtain that body of your dreams. It may also have come to your attention that these recommendations seem to change from week to week. Weight training is far from exact science and there is literally only a handful of reputable studies examining variations of weight training programs. From within these studies a few basic training principles emerge. Here are the basic principles that should, in general, be followed when selecting rep and set ranges.

Identify Your Goal

Before selecting your reps and sets you need to decide what you wish to achieve from your weight-training program. In general most people fall into one of three categories based on their goals.

Let’s examine how we can achieve these goals through the selection of the correct reps and sets in our weight-training program. These routines can be cycled or interchanged depending on your goals throughout the year.

Toned and Fit

This type of routine is excellent for fat burning and cardio-respiratory functioning. Recent studies suggest it is more effective than aerobics in maintaining long-term fat loss while also stimulating a moderate muscle growth enabling you to maintain firmness and shape in your muscles.

Strength and Size

Absolute Strength

Power lifters are by far the strongest people on earth. To win competitions they must ensure they stay within their weight class while still being as strong as they can. This means that they want raw power and strength with minimal muscle gain. Here is the sort of reps and sets they employ to achieve this fine balance.

General Points for Success