>Health and Environmental Sciences
AUT Fitness Foundations
Author- Peter Mellow
Moderator- Robert Hogg

Free Audio/Enhanced Podcast Downloads- The following files are available to download and play on your computer, cellphone, MP3 player, Nano or video iPod. If you are on a dial-up connection, the file may take some time to download. Please note that it is the same file in three different formats for students who have different ways of playing it back.

File Size
Screen size & format
Click icon to download (right click and save target to desktop)
Shoulder anatomy (10 minutes)
9.5 Mb

MP3 audio file only - Will play on any MP3 player or MP3 capabile cellphone

Shoulder anatomy (10 minutes)
5.1 Mb

Enhanced Podcast format, will play with (contains audio with still pictures):

  • most movie players on your computer (QuickTime)
  • video iPod
  • iPod Nano
  • PSP
  • MPG4 video capable cell phone


Shoulder anatomy (10 minutes) 3.8 Mb

176 x 144 3GPP (contains audio with still pictures):

This 3GPP video file will play on most video capable cell phones. While you can point your cell phone WAP browser to the link, you can also download the file to you computer and transfer it to your phone via a USB cable or Bluetooth (this option is a lot cheaper than downloading it through you phone via WAP).


For information on how to get the MPG4 file playing on your PSP go here. You can skip the first few steps as these files are already in MPG4 format.

The video clips below will allow you to take your exerecise compendium to the gym with you to practice new exercises. There are two formats. MP4 for your iPod video, cellphone, computer or PSP. The 3GP format will work with any video capable cellphone. Rather than linking your phone with your WAP browser to the files, which will be expensive, download them to your computer desktop and transfer them to you cellphone via a USB cable or Bluetooth connection.

Exercise description -

To download each movie, right click on the file icon and select 'download linked file'

('Control' key and 'click' on a Mac)

Screen size & format
Screen size & format

320 x 240 MPG4 format, will play with:

  • most movie players on your computer (QuickTime)
  • video iPod
  • PSP
  • MPG4 video capable cell phone

176 x 144 3GPP

  • This 3GPP video file will play on most video capable cell phones.
  • They will also play on your computer if you use QuickTime Player.
Cardio - Aerobic - Rowing Machine
Cardio - Aerobic - Cycle
Cardio - Aerobic - Recumbent Cycle
Cardio - Aerobic - Cross Trainer
Stretches - Standing Hamstring
Stretches - Floor Shoulder Stretch
Stretches - Floor Upper Back
Stretches - Gluts
Stretches - Hips and Gluts
Stretches - Kneeling Hamstring
Stretches - Lower Back
Stretches - Lying Hamstring
Stretches - Mid Back
Stretches - Quad & Hip Flexors
Stretches - Seated Hamstring
Stretches - Shoulders
Stretches - Tricep
Stretches - Calf
Stretches - Standing Calf
Stretches - Quadriceps
Stretches - Lying Glut
For movies of Free weights, machine, core and swiss ball exercises visit the iPod Gym

QuickTime Player is available as a free download. The latest version of QuickTime will play the files above on your computer. Attention Safari Users: If you click on the files above in Safari they will download to your desktop (or downloads folder) with the file suffix .txt - E.G. 17_Alt_Superman.m4v.txt
To be able to view the MP4 files in QuickTime or iTunes, click on the file name and take out the .txt part and it will work.

Hi Fitness Foundations students. Please find here the StudyTXT menu for the muscles and their actions as well as some movement terminology.

Download a PDF file of the message list below for your computer or to print out and use.

Fitness Foundations

Code for group and ALL messages in the group at 0.50 cents for the 1st msg and 0.30 cents for all other messages->

e.g. 4 messages in total = .50 cents + 3 X .30 cents = $1.40 (instead of $2 if all four were downloaded on their own)

Fitness Foundations StudyTXT messages written by Peter Mellow, Senior Lecturer AUT and moderated by Robert Hogg, Lecturer, AUT

Each individual message ordered costs 0.50 cents per message

Message #
Message Description
Abbreviations used in the message
TXT this code to 396
Group 1 - Anatomy terms of movement Code for group and ALL messages in this group at 0.50 cents for the 1st msg and 0.30 cents for all other messages--->
Flexion & Extension eg = example
Adduction & Abduction m'm = movement, 2 wards = towards
Pronation & Supination eg = example
Inversion & Eversion m'm = movement, eg = example
Message #
Message Description
Abbreviations used in the message
TXT this code to 396
Group 2 - All elbow and shoulder joint movements and their muscles Code for group and ALL messages in this group at 0.50 cents for the 1st msg and 0.30 cents for all other messages->
All elbow movements and the muscles responsible for those movements Elbw = elbow, Flex = flexion, Ext = extension, b = brachii
The muscles responsible for: Shoulder horizontal flexion and extension, shoulder flexion and extension Shlder = shoulder, Flex = flexion, Ext = extension, Ant = anterior, Post = posterior, Lat = Latissimus
The muscles responsible for: Shoulder adduction and abduction
The muscles responsible for: Shoulder Medial/Internal rotation and Laterial/External rotation Shlder = shoulder, rot = rotation, Post = posterior, Lat = Latissimus, Pec = Pectoralis
5 The muscles responsible for shoulder stabilization.
Message #
Message Description
Abbreviations used in the message
TXT this code to 396
Group 3 - All shoulder girdle and trunk/spine movements and their muscles Code for group and ALL messages in this group at 0.50 cents for the 1st msg and 0.30 cents for all other messages->
Shoulder girdle protraction, retraction and elevation. SG = shoulder girdle
Shoulder girdle depression, upward rotation, downward rotation, forward and downward. SG = shoulder girdle, Up = upward, rot = rotation, Down = downward.
Trunk Flexion, Extension, Rotation and Spine posture maintenance.
Message #
Message Description
Abbreviations used in the message
TXT this code to 396
Group 4 - All hip movements and their muscles Code for group and ALL messages in this group at 0.50 cents for the 1st msg and 0.30 cents for all other messages->
Hip flexion and extension Flex = flexion, Ext = extension, 2ceps = biceps, fem = femorus
Hip adduction and abduction Ad = adductors
Hip Medial (internal) rotation
Hip Laterial (external) rotation
Message #
Message Description
Abbreviations used in the message
TXT this code to 396
Group 5 - All knee and ankle movements and their muscles Code for group and ALL messages in this group at 0.50 cents for the 1st msg and 0.30 cents for all other messages->
Knee flexion and extension Flex = flexion, Ext = extension, V = Vastus
Ankle dorsiflexion and plantar flexion.
Message #
Message Description
Abbreviations used in the message
TXT this code to 396